Preproduction Blog Post
This film is a special one, my cousin had this really fun idea during our filming of our last film, and we decided to make a film based on the idea. I finished the script and then added the last few finishing touches. I also completed the storyboard for the film. My goal is to do the costumes and make a schedule for filming. The idea was about a trio of serial killers. We didn’t know what it was really about so I just went off a few ideas we had and made a script. Now we are going to not make it graphic in any way so it is school-appropriate. It’s mostly going to focus on the characters' relationships and their stories. My cousin Mikayla is going to be Sally. My other cousin Natalie is going to be Rachel. And then I’m going to be Alice. This film is, I think, going to be the most interesting film I’ve made yet. I can’t wait to see how it goes. The trio in the film is called the sisterhood. We thought it would be a good name since Mikayla and Natalie are sisters and I'm basically their sister. The film follows the theme of friendship and a guess you could also consider it in the crime film genre. I didn't really follow a history theme from this film, but there is sort of a history element with the sisterhood and the character's relationships.
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