Production Blog Post 2

This filming experience I think was much better to film than the first film. This is the last week to film and that is when we are filming. Not exactly the most convenient but we did pretty good. I did have to change the script a few times since my cousin Natalie won’t film in public at all, so then I’ve had to change some things around. The costumes are also in place, and I always remind them to make sure they know what is going on in the script. I've learned that making films with my cousins is that one of them or on board or the other isn’t. This film my cousin Natalie was more on board than Mikayla, and it was the opposite of the first film. This film is the sequel to the first film we made. It focuses more on the historical element rather than the magical, mysterious elements. I think it has more of a balance between the two. I've made sure that i've planned everything accordingly and so that way we can get all the filming done in two days. Certain scenes well do at certain times. Like the night scenes we'll get most of them done in that night time or dusk. Then certain scenes that are at the day time at the house, well do them one day, and then for when we have to go another place we can do that another day. We were able to get all the filming done and I have made a trailer and here are some clips that I took for the film. This filming session was better, but also more stressful since we only had that weekend to film. Natalie was a big help on this film and it was a lot more fun and goofy. This film was also better organized and mostly ran smoothly. We also had a lot of fun with a few non in script moments. Overall it was a much better experience than the first film and it definitely looks much better since it’s mostly during the day. This time we also had a tripod and the ability to have things be more realistic with outfit changes and other things. I hope you enjoy the trailer! Here’s the link:


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