End of Marking Period Blog Post

 Intention Definition & Exploration of Ideas: For this year I decided to work on the genre of history in film (stories and histories). I've always been interested in history and I thought it would be fun to create my own version of history, with current events, or the mysteries of time traveling through history. The first film I made sets up a timeline for these films, showing us time travel exists and can take us different places in historical events. The second film will focus more on the events that have happened in 2020 and a universe where covid could possibly be prevented along with other events. I tied in different areas of history  by having each of us be from different decades and dress like that time, that is the best we could do to make it historically accurate. I was from the 20s and I wore the dress I could find that was the most historically accurate along with the rest of my costume. My cousin Mikayla, was from the 80s and that was a bit more easier to style since we had clothes that could fit that time. Then my other cousin Natalie was from the early 2000s, and that was definitely the easiest one to style. We each embodied our decades the best we could. The films focus on more historical events, but also ties in more of a magical element of history since its our own universe. Creating these films gives me a chance to show history through my own way of storytelling with a mix of magical elements. 

Planning: I started planning by making a list of ideas for what I wanted to do, and I decided to enlist my cousins to work with me. The first film had a lot of variation of scripts until I was happy with the end. I then made the storyboard and we started filming. For planning it was a bit difficult since at the time the planning for the first film started me and my cousin Mikayla both worked so we had to kind of rush the first time we filmed. The second time was much better since we where more on task and able to take our time more. The first time I was in the 20s and stayed that way, but my cousins changed there years. Mikayla changed from 1950s to 80s and Natalie changed hers from medieval times to the 2000s, which was much easier anyways. It was important to set up a timeline for the film and set up who these people are how they will be important to the films. I did deleted a scene, which I felt was necessary since it would have been too much. For the second film this time me and my cousins worked on the script together, they impute ideas and I wrote it based off all our ideas. I then created a storyboard  and a schedule to get an idea of how we would film. For the first film I felt like more character development was needed, and so in this film I'm giving my cousins more creative freedom to really bring there characters to life by adding in things they would really say. The Trailer:


Producing: https://youtu.be/rppAJcbUOq8

Finally we get to the film itself. The final first film is pretty good, and I would have liked it to be better. Through producing the film I had Natalie and Mikayla focus on their characters and what they would say and I had them incorporate this into the film. The first time we filmed we all made up our lines, and then the second time we filmed I incorporated some of the original ideas that we said, and used to create the final film. It was important to have everyone establish their characters to make the film better. We spent a weekend here we filmed, mostly during the night, which unfortunately is one of the films flaws. Following the script was also very important, we did have few unscripted moments. We definitely had a fun time making the film with everyone working together to create this film. In the film there will be times where the acting isn't great, but keep in mind we were filming at night in the street, it wasn't exactly the best idea. One of my favorite scenes we filmed was when we met for the first time and we each got a chance to express our characters. It was always entertaining with the ideas we had and incorporated into the film. A scene I also liked filming was us walking into the garage since it  shows you how each of us act and how we act. Mikayla walks like they are on a mission, Natalie walks care free, and I walk more proper. I also had each of us choose outfits that our characters if they where real, pick them. 

Evaluating: Looking back at the experience of creating the first film I feel like I could have done much better, but at the same time I do like the final film. Some of the key things I would have changed is when we filmed, have more camera angles, and I would mainly fix the scene in the garage. I feel like that scene is rushed. Definitely a thing I learned is that its very difficult to film at night if you don't have good lighting. Some of the clips have a different tone since we filmed under a light post or the lights in the garage. I learned that the best thing to do if you don't have proper equipment to film, is to just make the best out of it. To keep the phone up in the garage we used a chair, or for other scenes we would place the camera on something else available. Assessing the film I do think I achieved the goal of the first film with setting up the idea of the films. For the overall film not all of my goals are fulfilled since there are a few things I wish I had more time to redo and fix. I wanted to focus on the year of 2020 and what could have happened if we had time travel and where able to change this year and be able to prevent covid. That was my goal and I fulfilled it with setting up these films to able to tell history in a more fun way. The first film was a good way to set up the series, no matter its faults. These films are really achieving the goals that I made. This weekend we start filming the second film, and I have set goals, and planned everything to do. I am using the fist film as a template and a guide for what to do and what not to do. We have had problems around the film and I've taken note of them and made sure to have a way where we can all film and work together to make future films together. Filming with my cousins had made me learn a a lot.

Integrating: What I've learned from this film is that its a very interesting experience to make a film with my cousins. I've definitely learned a lot while creating this film and I’m going to use that when I create future films. I had to improvise a lot in the first film since I didn't have a tripod and so the shots felt very repetitive and not very original. We did have better shots in the original scenes we shot, but we can’t use them since they don't fit in with the new footage for the final film. The best things to do when your filming is thinking about how you want the film to piece together and filming, making sure these shots will all make sense together. Unfortunately there are a few problems I couldn't fix since I didn't have a tripod or proper lighting. I've learned a few lessons for the next film that I will us. I hope to mostly film only during the day and when I do have to film at night, I’m going to make sure that I can film with the best light I have. I also want to integrate more history in the next film since the first film set up the history of time travel and the magical element of the series. The whole film was a learning experience with not only filming, but also working with my cousin to make this film. In the first film I didn't make as much control as I should have with the film and I mostly let them do what they wanted and I shouldn't have done that. For the second I learned that I had to get there input earlier on and not necessary during the filming. I want to make my version of the film, but also work with my cousins so that way we can create a better film and not have to film the film twice like before. Id rather film once an then if necessary film again and do retakes rather than the whole film. Some of the scenes in the new film can probably only be filmed on one way and its my goal to film one day. I want to improve the way that we work and also have more people to help film so that way the film wont be just be the same few camera angles.

Playlist for film trailer and film: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3zRXPAcHEXYKkca9q8ryDZDcrUjie18


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