Post-Production Blog Post

The making of this film was an adventure. I filmed and edited this film twice. The first time we filmed my cousins did not follow the script and it ended up being a disaster since the whole film put together was confusing. The second time around however made more sense and the script was used this time. The final film is about three girls from different decades end up in the future. The cast is me and my cousins Mikayla and Natalie. The film features the 20s, 80s and the 2000s. We did our best with making the costumes historically accurate, and what in reality a person would wear when traveling to the future. Overall do really like this film and I enjoyed making it. There are a few thing I would change though. If I film with my cousins again, and I probably will, they have to use the script and cant mess up almost every take. A lot pf takes where just them messing up and not taking it seriously. Although we where able to get to a final film is is sometimes difficult for them since they've never acted before. It was really fun since I got to see them two weekends in a row.


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