Critique Review Blog Post

1. Effective ways to improve design and cinematography.
To improve design take inspiration from different art pieces and films. Sometimes looking at other peoples work will give you inspiration to give you ideas for your own film. You can then integrate these ideas into your own film and use references to signal that it could be from that art or film. You can then point out these to others and they'll see how you incorporated that in. For cinematography you cant take directly take the scene from the film you're taking inspiration fro but you can take similarities from the film and add them in. For design it's a bit more simple, for example trying to add more color or have a specific mood.
2. Ideas for improving technical aspects such as audio recording, editing, titles, and color grading.
To improve audio recording, editing, titles, and color grading etc, you can talk with the group or in the script you can add different audio parts to add to the scene. With editing you can all add something new but something similar to tie them all together. Titles are simple, they cant be too dramatic but enough to interest the audience and to tell them that this is the movie and these are the people involved in this production of this film. For color grading like I said in the first question it can add to the mood of the film itself and provide more color variation, for example the hero can be more in light tones where as the bad guy is in more darker tones.
3. Ideas you gained on how to improve the performance of the action on camera in your future films.
To improve the performance of the action you can talk with the actors and the cinematographer to find the best was to make that shot right. The best way to improve is it practice and come up with different techniques to improve on acting. Study the scene a few times and come up with the best ways to all work together to create the atmosphere of the film. If you have the actors have everything down then the cinematographer you can overall have a finished film. 


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