
Showing posts from October, 2019

What A Girl Wants A Few Pointers Scene Remake

Evidence of My role: I was a talent and the script writer   file:///Users/22ahamilla/Downloads/1%20What%20A%20Girl%20Wants%20(A%20Few%20Pointers%20Scene).pdf Reflection On The Steps To Creating The Film: The steps to creating the film where figuring out everyones roles, the brainstorming, bring all the props, shooting, editing. Figuring out everyones roles was pretty simple we all got the roles we wanted and we all fit good with our roles. The brainstorming was the hardest part because we had to find a scene that would work but also didn't have that many people in the background. We went threw a lot of clips and we finally found a good clip. Bringing all the props was a little hard figuring everything out was easy but since we needed two mirror it was a bit difficult since we didn't want them to break. Shooting the film was pretty simple. Putting up and taking down the set each time was definitely a team effort to do that. Editing was a bit harder since some of the clips...