
Showing posts from January, 2019

Montage Summary Blog Post

Footloose Montage Scene (Above) How does the use of montage illustrate the intention of directors and what is its effect on the audien ce?:  The use of montage can illustrate the intentions of the directors and have and effect on the audience . For example in the film we watched about the baby and tennis, it could be interpreted different ways. For example could show work and family life or that playing tennis is like having a kid. Montage is series of short clips its fast but it conveys meanings. Reflect on the use of montage, the intention of directors, and its effect on the audience: The use of montage can show time passing in seconds, for example it would show 2 weeks in 6 seconds. The intentions of directors are to show special events and convey a deeper meaning. It could show the cycle of life, for example in the one film we watched about the birth, between and rebirth it showed the beginning of life then a problem or death and then finding the solution o...